

Playtime Not Played
Last Activity Never
Added 2024-01-26 1:31:59
Modified 2024-01-26 2:41:11
Completion Status Not Played
Platform PC (Windows)
Release Date 2019-11-15
Community Score
Critic Score
User Score
Links Itch


You're the Damned One, a reptilian Fallen Holy Warrior, seeking for Penance to atone for your sins against your kind. You have been given a task: Go through the gates of Hell and destroy all the sin you can see.

You start with your sword and pistol, and you will find more weapons in the corners of Hell.

Show them your Holy Fury, and only then you shall be redeemed.

Penance is an oldschool style FPS with a campaign mode with hand made levels, and an endless mode with procedurally generated levels covered in gritty retro graphics. You play as anthropomorphic lizard templar dude (look I like lizards okay).

The campaign mode features five (or six if you count the very first one) hand made levels, and a bossfight. 

The goal of the endless mode is simple: Cause enough carnage and earn points from each kill, collect keys each level to get through the portals, then show off your highscore to your friends.

The game has a Discord support, so people can see your score while playing and also which campaign level you are on. If you get high enough score, you will get the ending cutscene. Penance also has simple bunnyhopping that increases your speed, crouch-sliding and a rage mechanic, that when activated, gives you double damage to all weapons, except the sword does quadruple damage.

Default Controls:

  • WASD - Movement
  • Spacebar - Jump
  • Left mouse button - Shoot
  • Right mouse button - Zoom
  • Scrollwheel and number keys - Change weapon
  • Q - Activate rage when yellow bar is 100

Controls should be able to be remapped from game launcher. 

I haven't tested controller with this game, it was created for mouse and keyboard in mind.

This game was simply made for fun, because it's something I felt like I wanted to play and I love oldschool style FPS games. It's probably not that difficult game for FPS players, but I am proud of this game and I find it fun and satisfying to play. Due to the overwhelming popularity I also made the campaign mode, which let me practice proper level design.

I used a lot of feedback I got from Ironscale and Castle Rodok to make this game, but also learned a lot of new things. I hope you have as much fun playing Penance as I had making it!

If you want to share your highscore with me, join my Matrix space group!

Music was made by Fredrik Thrysoe:

You can buy the soundtrack here:

Voice acting for final boss and narrator:

Copyright 2023 Akseli Lahtinen. This game is not allowed to be hosted outside of This page is the only official place where to download and/or buy this game.